OSW Review | WCW Thunder after Blade Runners Nitro – OSW 106

WCW Thunder after Blade Runners Nitro – OSW 106

THUNDER after Blade Runners Nitro – OSW 106 from OSWreview on Vimeo.

BRUCIE BONUS episode! The show AFTER Blade Runners Nitro. It’s Sept 17, 1998 WCW Thunder! Featuring Konnan, V1’s boy Finlay, V1’s boy Chavo, DDP, and The Four Horsemen! It’s the most forgettable show of the year!
Buy us a pint ya divvy knacker!

Heya brah! OSWs are being released out of order, in an effort to bring them to you as soon as possible! OOC was ill, delaying recording OSW 104 (Firepower), so we pushed ahead with January’s episode, Blade Runners Nitro. But in order to get the Christmas episode done in time (it’s the only “hard date” episode of the year) I had to delay editing of the brucie bonus episode of Thunder afterwards to 2022. It’ll be out next, followed by OSW 104 Firepower, and then the timeline is back to normal again!

Warrior in WCW arc!
OSW 101 Warrior Debut Nitro
OSW 102 War-rior Games @ Fall Brawl ’98
OSW 103 Nitro the Night After
OSW 104 Warrior’s only film: Firepower 1993 (coming in 2022)
OSW 105 Blade Runners Nitro
OSW 106 Thunder (that’s this page!)
OSW 107 Christmas episode: Warrior’s Destrucity Series!
OSW 108 Halloween Havoc ’98 (2022)
+ possible brucie bonus!

So in order of release: OSW 106 Blade Runners Thunder, OSW 104 Firepower, OSW 108 Halloween Havoc ’98! With possibly some extra brucie bonus vids in between, who knows!


Release Date
December 20, 2021