Cast/Crew: Directed/written by Kevin Carraway. A depressing-to-look-at Val Kilmer, Matt Barr (Brandon from American Pie Band Camp), Rebecca Da Costa (stilted actress) and Ving Rhames (Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction; the guy who ushers them into the house, that’s convenient!).
Plot: A group of people (who are travelling in the middle of nowhere) crash their car, and go into a spooky house where ‘scary’ things happen. Bah gawd, murders took place in that house 100 years ago.
Good points :
• The trailer successfully hoodwinks you into thinking this isn’t an awful film.
Bad points :
• The plot is pretty derivative
• The Freaky kids gimmick is completely ineffective
• No tension
• Predictably lame shock horror/startling scares
• Ving Rhames. His speeches are so awful. His final monologue is particularly cringe-worthy.
• No nudity. This film is not anywhere near good enough to think it’s above nudity.
Overall: You get the idea! I’ll just stop there, this is one of the worst films I’ve ever sat through, but not terrible enough to be any good. Avoid!