OSW Review | Jay Hunter

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  • January 29, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    Hey Milkshakes! Wondering what’s up with OSW? Here’s the scoop! • The OSW YouTube channel has gone offline for the moment. WWE have gone nuclear on YouTube thanks to the launch of the UK/Irish WWE Network. (Sucks as WWE were cool with taking 100% of the ad revenue for the last 15 months!) The STATE of the channel is fluid; I hope to …

  • January 25, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    To set the scene, WWE fans rallied behind Daniel Bryan after losing his title in 8 seconds to Sheamus at WrestleMania 28. Since then, Bryan’s popularity soared into MEGA HOT territory, peaking coming into the Summer of 2013, where Bryan beat Cena (clean) for the WWE title. However Aitch immediately heel-turned on Bryan, allowing Randy Orton to cash in his MITB briefcase, therefore …

  • January 24, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    We’re back with 3 more Tough Enough episodes! Pilot review: Episodes 2-3-4 review: To recap, Triple H’s speech causes Jason (the most ripped guy) to quit, Daryl’s clothes smell & he can’t wear his shorts with the big hole in it, Victoria & Bobbie Joe decide to quit together and Maven sandbags any house drama being positive and professional. EPISODE 5 “Dispatching …

  • January 18, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    Helloooo! Got lots of news for OSW this week. Here’s what’s going down in Groovestown: • YOUTUBE: Most of the episodes are missing. Just like last year with the US Network launch, the UK/Ireland launch has sent WWE in a tizzy to cut out any sort of video alternative. I’m fighting it but WWE will kill the channel. They’re not happy with making …

  • January 17, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    WOOT! TOUGH ENOUGH will return in 2015! Vinnie Mac tweeted it out on Thursday. Hopefully whoever wins fares better than Angry Andy Levine. Remember him? Of course you don’t. He was shit-canned after Vince blew up at him for mis-selling a stunner & slap. As well as his only talent is being tall. He’s the cousin of Dan Spivey and still works for WWC in …

  • January 15, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    I feel it’s fair warning to state that I’m an American wrestling (WWF/WCW) fan, not a Puro fan. I watched it for about 4 years 07-11 and fell out after getting my fill of in-ring and not what I needed character/promo/storyline-wise, and just picking & choosing big matchups since. So this is my first full PPV since. IT’S TIME…FOR YOUR LATE, OUT OF …

  • January 13, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

      Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story is a 94-minute documentary about the big moments in the career of the Macho Man. Notably absent is Macho’s later WWF career (especially vs Warrior at WM7) and they gloss over his entire WCW career besides his feud with DDP. It’s still a fun docu even if it’s quite superficial. Here’s some notes I’ve taken during it: • …

  • January 10, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    WWE will release Tough Enough S1 from 2001 on the WWE Network Monday afternoon. It’s the DVD version, containing extended footage and without end credits, apart from the finale, which is the TV version and missing Vince interviewing the finalists. Here\’s a review of the double-episode pilot! From over 4,000 audition tapes, WWF invite 230 to try out at their New York restaurant. …

  • January 9, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    WWE posted an article “8 WWE video games we wish were real” with videogame illustrations by Derek Laufman! Here’s all the pics in HQ. Artist Tumblr: Derek Laufman ‘Brothers of Destruction,’ 1992, Super Nintendo ‘Escape The Compound 2,’ 1991, Sega Genesis ‘Dean’s Dirty Deeds,’ 1996, Sony PlayStation ‘The Quest for the Cosmic Key,’ 1999, Sega Dreamcast ‘Rusev Crushes the World,’ 1993, Atari Jaguar ‘The Legend …

  • January 5, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    WWE Network coming to UK/Ireland (for realsies this time, hopefully). But it’s not $9.99 – it’s £9.99 in the UK or €12.99 in Ireland. Sign up for $9.99 (i.e. £6.57 or €8.36) instead! 1) You’ll need an American Proxy: Install HOLA on your browser. 2) Switch to USA. Go to and sign up. 3) You’ll need an American address: I chose …