OSW Review | WWF Capital Carnage 98 – OSW Review 40


Release Date
August 8, 2014


    1. Jay Hunter says:

      If I can vote, #V1Maggle!

  1. Joe says:

    these are awesome! Thank you!

  2. Mizark says:

    Another awesome episode!

  3. Wes says:

    I got the manhole question correct noggers

  4. Ollie says:

    V1 giving out on Irish dancing was absolutely amazing.


    I laughed so hard I nearly had to pull over. Best impression ever.

  6. danny axel says:

    Opinion on Jarrett changed. Well done gentlemen.

  7. Shinydan says:

    If you’re interested in irony; Gangrel made a decent vampire, but his character couldn’t have been less Clan Gangrel-ish if he’d tried. *nerd shrug*

    1. Jay Hunter says:

      That’s hilarious! Cheers – can you explain that a bit more?

  8. lookbait says:

    Bret Hart had a GREAT looking bulldog.

  9. Toma says:

    Holy shit, Mr McMahon can still deliver on commentary, I actually wish he would still do commentary in the modern era once in a while. i’d be better than that fuckwit cole