OSW Review | Top 10

Top 10

  • August 1, 2016
    by Jay Hunter

    No disguise…for that double vision! Time to delve into the depths of one of wrestling’s best worst gimmicks – IMPOSTER WRESTLERS! As part of our new Fall Brawl ’95 episode! Clicky to watch the rest of the episode 🙂 Are there any imposters we left out? 

  • March 28, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    LESBIAN POLLEN explains why females in wrestling are suddenly, briefly attracted to other females! Of course it’s for cheap storyline thrills and titillation, but let’s keep kayfabe. In this Top 10 list (originally seen in OSW Review #44) we run down the most potent, dangerous Lesbian Pollen attacks in wrestling history.     More OSW goodness! • Latest update on the new episode (No …