OSW Review | Jay Hunter

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  • September 19, 2014
    by Jay Hunter

    MONTREAL Earlier in the week, WWE aired a Monday Night Wars episode white-washing the facts about the Montreal Screwjob. Dave Meltzer wrote a great article on it, here’s everything you need to know: • Montreal refers to Survivor Series ’97 where, unknown to Bret Hart, Vince McMahon changed the finish of his match, so that he lost his WWF title to Shawn Michaels. …

  • September 18, 2014
    by Jay Hunter

    • Our final episode in our ECW saga is next – December to Dismember! It’s recorded and it’s already in production! It should be out early October. As it gets completed I’ll be updating our episode guide. • Our current episode (ECW on Sci-Fi) is available on iTunes/RSS/mp3 • The classic barbed OSW tee is sold out in the UK! • Myself and V1 …

  • September 14, 2014
    by Jay Hunter

    Click here!: Clicky:

  • September 8, 2014
    by Jay Hunter

    • Do you like Snitsky and nightmares? Well there you go 🙂 • Great news! Daniel Bryan does not need more surgery! He’ll be undergoing intense physical rehab instead. This means he’ll (hopefully) be back in a couple months. A Rumble return perhaps? • Jake Roberts is still in intensive care with bilateral pneumonia. He’ll recover from that but more worrying is the ‘brain abnormality’ discovered …

  • September 2, 2014
    by Jay Hunter

    OSW UPDATE! • I’ll be spending this weekend editing. Our next episode (covering ECW on Sci-Fi) will be ready 11th September (Next Thursday!) You’ll see those two on the show 😉 • ULTRAbrah Simon Deakin got an OSW/manhole tattoo yesterday! For that incredible act he gets to choose a Brucie Bonus episode, which’ll be coming later in the year 🙂 • We launched our …

  • August 25, 2014
    by Jay Hunter

    • Our final ECW episodes are recorded! ECW on Sci-Fi is next & coming around mid-September, I’ll update you when editing is further along • Our NEW T-SHARTS will be ready later this week in UK & US! • I binged on Simpsons episodes over the weekend, posting my thoughts on them here: • Piledriver/OSW’s new Hall of Fame Ballot is now …

  • August 23, 2014
    by Jay Hunter

      In honor of FXX doing a marathon of EVERY SIMPSONS EPISODE EVER, we’ve opened up a new section, reviewing Simpsons episodes! You can find ’em here (and through the menu sidebar on the left hand side!)

  • July 30, 2014
    by Jay Hunter

    Did you know? Jay reviews horror films on the side. Check out my Shining review!

  • July 24, 2014
    by Jay Hunter

    Hey up, after we finished recording the ONS ’06 episode, we had a chat about John Cena. And here it is! We run down the reasons for loving/hating John Cena. Hope you enjoy it!

  • July 20, 2014
    by Jay Hunter

    I recorded an interview with Matthew Rude of Kayfabe Poker Night (part of the Rude Moose Radio Network)! Why anyone would want to talk to me I don’t know! Check out the interview: iTunes Android/RSS Direct mp3 download from podbean Blurb from RMRN’s site: Man oh man, you’re in for a treat folks. On this all new episode of Kayfabe Poker Night we have …