OSW Review | home video

home video

  • December 10, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

      Format: Much in the same vein as recent WWE Home Video releases (Attitude Era, nWo etc), this release is replete with a montage of talking heads with short snippets saying generic compliments “He was always a good guy”, “just a great wrestler” etc. Running Time: Even though Owen’s entire career was 13 years, this documentary clocks in at 1hr 7m, like the …

  • December 10, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    Click here for Part 1! 2nd WWF Run: Tag Teams: With Anvil as the New Hart Foundation. Nattie was ecstatic to see them together. The pair ended when Neidhart was fired for ‘unprofessional conduct’, refusing to take a drug test and trashed some TV equipment. You might remember hearing Anvil was smoking crack with Davey Boy (who was a trainwreck) in the Summer …