OSW Review | Jay Hunter

Author Archive

  • June 1, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    Flair 1 Flair 2 Flair 3 Flair 4 Flair 7 Flair 8 Flair 5 Flair 6 Flair 12 Flair 9 Flair 10 Flair 11 CGSYJNKXEAAMUHm Hey yo! We had a blast at the Ric Flair tour Saturday night! Forgot how big London is; we didn’t wait for trains after getting to Gatwick Airport but it took about 90 minutes to actually get to Upton Park! …

  • May 26, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    What’s up with OSW! • Currently editing Episode 51, Final Nitro! It’s always a pleasure chatting WCW (especially 2001) and it’ll be over an hour long. We’re away this weekend (woooo!) and I need 4 more sessions to finish it; likely gonna drop mid-June. Sorry for the delay, things coming up which mean I can’t edit on my days off. I’ve a few artists that …

  • May 21, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    NXT TakeOver 6: Unstoppable! Wednesday 20th May from Full Sail University (FL), a 2-hour special on the WWE Network Disappointing news, NXT oversold the event, meaning 100 or so people who had a ticket didn’t get in. Sorry @Fugoy brah! Also, Hideo Itami was injured/selling in the parking lot, and that’s the kayfabe reason for a torn rotator cuff, and being out of …

  • May 21, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

      Destination America have cancelled TNA iMPACT.  The call was made a few days before the move to Wednesdays was announced. Why? Ratings were good, but it’s the cost to make the programming & a hard time getting advertisers. Station regulars specifically didn’t want to advertise on iMPACT. In general, wrestling has a tough time getting sponsored (it’s seen as low-brow entertainment, worse than …

  • May 16, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    Hey yo! Here’s our retrospective of the XFL, which lasted from February-April 2001. Despite being a co-venture by business giants NBC and WWF, and updating the formula that made WWF so successful, it folded after 3 months. Here’s why!    

  • May 10, 2015
    by Jay Hunter ESPN aired a 1-hour documentary centering around 3 wrestlers in the Performance Centre/NXT and their struggles to make it in WWE: Ray Leppan (Adam Rose), Austin Watson (Xavier Woods) and Matt Polinsky (Corey Graves). No kayfabe, as they look at how WWE create & develop new talent. To current fans it’s kinda dated, as half of it was shot in 2013 and …

  • May 6, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    May 7th marks the 15th anniversary of David Arquette’s last night as WCW Champion! For people who say he killed WCW, I’ll have you know it was already dead! Relive the glory: Ready To Rumble:   WCW Thunder, April 26th, 2000:   WCW Slamboree 2000:   This was our 3-part story arc covering David Arquette’s involvement in WCW: The Ready to Rumble film, …

  • May 4, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    The Mega-Maniacs explode! Beefer outed selling signed Hogan pics. I never cover current Hogan antics (since he’s always working the internet to keep himself relevant) but this was too hilarious. Thanks to everyone who sent me the link! After posting a pic of himself & Beefer on twitter, a fan replied that Beefer was selling 8x10s of Hogan. Hulk was embarrassed and said he never …

  • April 27, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    Hey! Wanna make some artwork to be featured in the next show? All ya gotta do is create something OSW (draw/photoshop/render/bake/paint your nails – anything!) and send a pic to us – either post on our facebook, tweet me (@OSWreview) or attach it in an e-mail to OSWreview@gmail. com. Make sure to put ‘OSW’ somewhere in the pic! We’ve got a super-awesome prize …

  • April 18, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    I recently went through my wardrobe & found a stash of wrestling tees from about 12 years ago! Let no-one say that I didn’t used to love Randy Orton. This first one here’s a basketball jersey.   Yes, I own a Rey Mysterio shirt. I considered dressing up as him for halloween but it never came to pass.   This is the longsleeve Lesnar shirt. …