OSW Review | Super OSW 64 news!
July 13, 2015
by Jay Hunter

Super OSW 64 news!

Super OSW 64 Level 3 WS

Hey yo. I’ve a good news sandwich (2 bits of good news with bad news in the middle). Hey, it’s a thing. If it isn’t a thing, it’s a thing now 😉

• Here’s the good news: Super OSW 64 is getting a third show! It’s gonna be this Saturday, 18th July, LIVE at 1pm BST!
• Here’s the bad news: It will be the *final* show. Stadium Saturday will be back next month so the interrim replacement shows won’t be needed anymore.
• And the good news: I’m gonna kill it! I’m gonna kill my creation! Since it’s my last show, I’m taking requests, tell me what your favourite videogame songs are and I’ll try include them, no franchise restrictions. Comment below, and please include a youtube link, it makes it so much easier for me and I’m more likely to pick it! Also include what city/state or country you’re from so I can name-drop you & your town on the show!

Latest update on the new OSW Review: