OSW Review | death


  • April 24, 2016
    by Jay Hunter

      Super Mario Bros 2 (Japan) from 1986 had one of the first instances of suicide: Warp back to World 1, or kill yourself and start World 3 again! Jay’s back on the radio discussing death in videogames, concentrating on gaming’s unique presentation of suicide. It gets a bit indie! Originally aired on Going Out In Style, hosted by Valerie Vetter of on …

  • February 7, 2016
    by Jay Hunter

      Yo! Last month at Dublin City FM (where I do Super OSW 64) I got to talking to another host, Valerie. She does a show called Going Out In Style, which is about getting people to open up and talk about death. Sometimes it was difficult getting guests because people in general don’t want to talk about death until absolutely necessary. So our interests intersect with …