OSW Review | Wrestling stuff

Wrestling stuff

  • May 19, 2016
    by Jay Hunter

    TEN YEARS AGO TODAY! Back in 2006, Imposter Kane was part of a shamelessly awesome storyline used to promote the release date of Kane’s debut movie, See No Evil. He started hearing voices in his head causing him to repeat the date over and over (May 19th). This came to a head as another Kane (in his classic 1997 garb) confronted him. Immediately the …

  • May 15, 2016
    by Jay Hunter

    OOC: Who’d do you know can drink a whole glass of milk in one go? V1 (Quietly): Most people. • This WBF segment is from our WrestleMania VIII video! You can watch the rest of the episode here! • Our site is back in business! We’ve also moved from a shared server a dedicated server so hopefully it’ll cope when there’s an influx of …

  • April 28, 2016
    by Jay Hunter

    Table For 3 is an edited roundtable conversation between 3 wrestlers. It’s shot and lighted very well with a documentary-style three-camera setup. The shots are always slightly panning and they splicey only a few seconds of relevant footage, which is a little jarring. This edition with Arn Anderson, Ric Flair and Tully Blanchard was recorded WrestleMania weekend. Interestingly, it’s Arn and not Flair …

  • March 13, 2016
    by Jay Hunter

    WWE Roadblock March 12th, 2016 Ricoh Coliseum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Isn’t it great to have a WWE live event on a Saturday? WWE decided to televise the Toronto house show, as they’re looking to increase their live content on the Network (and more reasons to subscribe) as they continue to move away from traditional PPV. It also serves as a stop-gap in storylines between …

  • March 13, 2016
    by Jay Hunter

    Click here for Part 1! Natalya vs Charlotte (c) for the Diva’s Championship A rematch of Charlotte’s first main roster bout! I expected Nattie (whom I love) to complement Charlotte well but it was a pretty nothing match. Loved Nattie’s New Gen Bret & Owen shirt. Annoyed with Nattie absolutely no-selling a figure four, robotically shouting “no” at Charlotte. John Cena/Cinder block levels of …

  • February 29, 2016
    by Jay Hunter

    Yo! Myself and the lads were at ICW’s first Dublin show last night! We had a great time, never saw ICW live before. I wasn’t sure what to expect, thought it might’ve been all hardcore wrestling/bloodfests but it was similar to a WWE house show, pretty straight forward wrestling bouts (apart from Jack Jester using a chair and blood) with some spots out in …

  • February 23, 2016
    by Jay Hunter

    Vince saying “fucking beating” at 11 seconds! In a huge shocker, THE BOY WONDER Shane O’Mac returned on RAW! Storyline-wise, Shane revealed Vince was once in a bind and Shane helped him out, silently gaining a lot of power of the company. Vince fumbled through his lines/explanation, but set up Shane’s match (oh shit! at WrestleMania! vs The Undertaker! A hell in the …

  • January 25, 2016
    by Jay Hunter

    Thoughts on the Rumble: • Before I start I have to say congratulations to the graphics department – the CG marble statues of all the wrestlers look fantastic. It will be one of the most memorable wrestling graphics for years to come, that everyone will remember! • Pre-Show had a 4-way tag for 2 Rumble spots. (Mark Henry/Jack Swagger (?!) def. Darren Young …

  • December 10, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

      Format: Much in the same vein as recent WWE Home Video releases (Attitude Era, nWo etc), this release is replete with a montage of talking heads with short snippets saying generic compliments “He was always a good guy”, “just a great wrestler” etc. Running Time: Even though Owen’s entire career was 13 years, this documentary clocks in at 1hr 7m, like the …

  • December 10, 2015
    by Jay Hunter

    Click here for Part 1! 2nd WWF Run: Tag Teams: With Anvil as the New Hart Foundation. Nattie was ecstatic to see them together. The pair ended when Neidhart was fired for ‘unprofessional conduct’, refusing to take a drug test and trashed some TV equipment. You might remember hearing Anvil was smoking crack with Davey Boy (who was a trainwreck) in the Summer …